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EH Smith Builders Merchants


  © EH Smith (Builders Merchants) Ltd 2018

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var pattern = ^(\+44\s?7(\d ?){3}|\(?07(\d ?){3}\)?)\s?(\d ?){3}\s?(\d ?){3}$; if(!$('#phone').val().test(elementValue)){ //Invalid number } var pattern = /\s*(([+](\s?\d)([-\s]?\d)|0)?(\s?\d)([-\s]?\d){9}|[(](\s?\d)([-\s]?\d)+\s*[)]([-\s]?\d)+)\s*/; if(!$('.MailForm603_phone').val().test(elementValue)){ //Invalid number } MailForm603_phone // validate UK telephone numbers $('#MailForm603_phone').focusout(function(event) { // put your desired regular expression here var reg = /\s*(([+](\s?\d)([-\s]?\d)|0)?(\s?\d)([-\s]?\d){9}|[(](\s?\d)([-\s]?\d)+\s*[)]([-\s]?\d)+)\s*/; if (reg.test($('#MailForm603_phone').val())) { $('#MailForm603_phone').css('background-color', 'lightgreen'); event.preventDefault(); setTimeout(function(){$('#MailForm603_phone').css('background-color', '#dbe1e3'); },10000); } else { event.preventDefault(); //alert("This is not a correct telephone number format \n \n Please correct and try again."); setTimeout(function() { $('#MailForm603_phone').focus(); }, 100); $('#MailForm603_phone').css('background-color', 'lightcoral'); } }); // validate UK mobile numbers $('#MailForm603_phone').focusout(function(event) { // put your desired regular expression here var reg = /\s*(([+](\s?\d)([-\s]?\d)|0)?(\s?\d)([-\s]?\d){9}|[(](\s?\d)([-\s]?\d)+\s*[)]([-\s]?\d)+)\s*/; if (reg.test($('#MailForm603_mobile').val())) { $('#MailForm603_mobile').css('background-color', 'lightgreen'); event.preventDefault(); setTimeout(function(){$('#MailForm603_mobile').css('background-color', '#dbe1e3'); },10000); } else { event.preventDefault(); //alert("This is not a correct telephone number format \n \n Please correct and try again."); setTimeout(function() { $('#MailForm603_mobile').focus(); }, 100); $('#MailForm603_mobile').css('background-color', 'lightcoral'); } });